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Whistler, dirt time required

The drive into Whistler was tough. With 13% grades over two hours, it was an exhausting drive and I’m thankful Derek was handling the tough terrain. The road winds alongside the turquoise river for most of the way with no service. Once again, all is quiet in the woods….until our brakes overheated and started smoking. WTF can happen next? While…

Workin’ For a Livin’

It would be pretty friggin’ sweet if we were both “Trustafarians” and could lazily float between locations without worrying about money. But, we have bills to pay and need to earn a living, just like everyone else in the real world. To accomplish this, Jamie produces shows for her company O2 Events, while Derek writes for his cycling blog at…

Why Not Remain Willing?

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” Denver, Colorado is a magical city, set in an enchanting landscape, and filled with extraordinary people. After renting homes for six years, though, we still wrestled with questions like: Should we buy an older home, renovate, and remain in the city? Should we…